Calm Your Tempeh


Looking back and looking forward | 2017

Ceiling decor spotted on a trip to Brighton earlier this year

I think we can all agree that 2017 has been intense! I’m a strong believer in always improving yourself, and I think that reflecting on your life is a great way to do that. With that said, I’d like to share some of the major themes and events of my year with you all.

What went well
  • I got accepted onto my placement. I’m working in the local Older Adults’ Mental Health Services until summer, an opportunity I’m incredibly grateful for! 
  • I survived my second year of university. Many previous students have told me that second year is the hardest year by some margin, so I’m proud to have finished it with a high 2.1 grade. 
  • I’ve paid more attention to my health. More exercise, healthier eating and better sleep have all had a positive impact on my life. 
  • I’ve been more true to myself. In the past I’ve forced myself to stay quiet about things that I’m interested in because they’re not “normal” interests for a twenty-something. This year I’ve been more open about what I’m interested in and I hope to continue that trend. 

What needs improving

  • I’d like to stop withdrawing in times of stress. I’ve always considered myself an introvert, partially because my natural reaction to stress is to cut all social contact except my partner and immediate family. However I’ve since realised that I’m actually more extroverted than I allow myself to think. Part of the reason I struggle during stressful periods is because I tend to withdraw into myself and I’d like to stop doing that, both for my own sake and for the people around me who undoubtedly worry! 
  • I’d like to find a better work-life balance. I have period where I overwork myself, which then leads to burnout and health problems. I’d like to learn what my limits are and stick to them. 
  • I’d like to read more. I have a massive pile of books, magazines and papers I’d like to get through! 

Goals for 2018
  • Start learning a new language. Specifically, I’ve wanted to learn Japanese since I was in primary school - we did a project about a local man who became the first British samurai, and that inspired an interest in the country. Learning a new language is a great way to challenge yourself and can be a very useful skill, often when you least expect it! I hope to be able to hold simple conversations and read hiragana, katakana and 100 kanji by the end of the year. 
  • Save money. I’d like to start saving for a house, and for some travelling after I graduate. I have a specific and achievable goal number. 
  • Read 10 books. Outside of my university reading, that is! I think this is totally possible - you can keep up with my progress through my Goodreads account
  • Continue improving my health. Luckily my placement is walking distance from my house and right next to my gym, which has encouraged me to do more exercise than I have at any other time in my life. I’ve also been re-inspired to eat healthily thanks to my plant-based colleagues. I’m hoping to continue this trend throughout 2018! 

How has your year been? Do you have any goals for 2018? Let me know in the comments down below!

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